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ZoomBusiness – Hanover County

Zoom BusinessZoomBusiness Hanover County is a FREE online tool enabling local businesses to be listed in a directory for use by residents, other businesses and tourists.  Originally created by a service provider in use by our department in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this interactive, mobile-responsive directory powered by Google Maps aids customers with finding businesses in Hanover County.

This easy-to-use directory is inclusive of ALL businesses in Hanover County. Users of Zoom Business can refine their search for businesses using the following categories:

Arts/Entertainment Daycare Pet Store
Automotive Educational Services Pharmacy
Bakery Farm Products Professional Services
Bank Grocery Store Real Estate
Brewery/Wine Hardware Store Restaurant
Business Resource Hotels Retail
Construction Personal Services Social Services
Other: If these categories do not apply to your business, use “other” and be sure to add a description of your business.

Hanover businesses can create a free listing including hours, address, contact information, business description, website and social media platform links, and  interior and exterior pictures.

We have preloaded some Hanover businesses to start the directory.  If your business is already listed, please review the information. If you desire to make changes or add pictures, please reach out to Angela Wright at or 804-365-6461, or Ann Glave 804-365-6459 or

How to add your business to the directory:

  1. Go to:
  2. Click on “Add a Business” link located in the top right hand corner.
  3. Fill in the applicable fields on the online form, then click on the SAVE button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. After clicking the save button, you can load images by clicking on the link “You can add photos HERE”
  5. The listing will go live within 7 to 10 business days after the content is reviewed and approved by Hanover County’s Economic Development office.

Information is accessible to users through the website, and a link is included on the Here In Hanover, VA App.

For any questions, reach out to Ann Glave at or 804-365-6459.